Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shopping Day! Best Buy and Ontario Mills Mall - Friday 15 july

 Today we didn't go to our classes. We had to be early in our buses. We did all the things quickly and organised so we could go as fast as possible. I got dressed with my most comfortable shoes, went downstairs and had a delicious apple and cinammon oatmeal bowl for breakfast. Then, we were told to get all our things for the big visit and go to Cougar Dome, where we were going to have devotions. We talked a little bit about what we have already learnt about Joseph and his life last week. Then, we moved on with some pasages which described some of the highs and lows in his life. I already knew the story, but everytime seems to become something new. That's why my day began so well. Then, it got better. We went straight to the buses and stopped in Best Buy Store. It was huge! I am glad they played some music while we were shopping, because otherwise I would have feeled a little overwhelmed with so much technology around me. It had several sections like movies, music, computers, back to school, and many others. I was tempted to buy the whole case of my favorite TV show FRIENDS and the Back to the Future Trilogy in blu-ray, but it was so expensive. I wanted to save some of my money for the Mall! We stayed there for two hours. When we were coming back to the buses, I saw a big pile of computer boxes next to the interns. There were like ten or fifteen computers there! I was so amazed that so many people where going there for the exact same purpose. I think it was hard for me to understand because I already have one, and I was so excited to go to this giant mall. When we finally got there, we organised the schedule for the day and arranged the time to meet again at night. On the way to our lunch place, I could smell different scents in every step I took, depending on if I were passing by a clothing store, the arcade games, or each eating store in the place. We had some McDonald's food quikly and go shopping rigth away. We first visited Forever 21 store. Now I know why every girl that visits California wants to go there. The clothes are so beautiful. They have different sorts of styles, colours and textures. It smelled like fruit. My friends stayed there longer than I did. I prefered to go window shopping to other stores and then decide if I wanted to buy something or not. I went to Disney store, big brand stores like Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Kline, perfume stores and accessory stores. I didn't shop a lot, but I was fully satisfiyed because, at the end of the day, I got what I wanted to get. For dinner, we went to this fancy little restaurant called Dave and Busters. I was not hungry so I first went with some Taiwanese friends to the arcade place right there in the restaurant. We tried some games but the funner game was the basketball game. Most of all, because it gave lots and lots of tickets which we could exchange for prices in the principal store. We had lots of fun, then have some chicken with mashed potatoes and keep shopping for a while. At last we returned to our meeting point with all our big bangs and headed directly to the buses. There was quite a calmed and unusual silence that night. Fortunately, it helped me to sleep for a while on the bus and then in my cozy bed. After all that fun, shopping and playing, I needed lots of time to rest.
 Tomorrow we're going to Disneyland, and God only knows what great excitements awaits for us!

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