"Oh my stars!" is the line I'm going to borrow from my friend Jeffrey, who is also one of my beloved interns and field trip leader, and discribes all the fun stuff we could enjoy about this special place called Hollywood. We have had a very long week, but we could manage to get there after lunch, when all the celebrities were awaiting us in wax sahpes, at the Madame Tusauds museum. This was the first place for our little tour. In there, we saw all kinds of famous people, from Nobert de Niro to Britney Spears. We took a lot of pictures with them. We were so excited! Some of them were very real, but others did not look at the real actors at all. I
The place did not smell funny as I expected. The only thing that did smell was my hand after getting a wax hand. It was a wonderful sensation! They made me put my hand in cold water filled with ice, so it would not hurt when I put my hand on warm wax. Later i got to put my hand again in that water with the wax on. It was like the wax was absorving my hand. Then they painted it red. It was so funny! And it was nothing expensive. Finally, I got my hand in wax shape as a souvenir. It's a pity that we've beening such a hurry, because I wanted to take so many pictures! My eyes literaly hurted after that visit, and my feet too. When we were out, we looked for some gifts to our families in a little shop near by. I got some t-shirts for my little cousins and sungasses for myself. I wantes to wait to the other store to buy a little star to mom and dad each. After that, we went for lunch to McDonald's. The kind of service and the food is different from my home country. The hamburgers were so greasy and smelly! Thank god I ordered chiken. Still, I like it better at home, but it was great because I was with my SUPP friends. Something that really surprised me was that they don't pour the coke, you can do it yourself, as many times as you want. We don't hve that in Argentina, but the coke has less taste here. Before our field trip ended, we visited the front door of the Chinese theater and looked to the famous people's hands and feet on the floor. There were so many! I took a lot of pictures there too. It was difficult because people pass by right in front of the camera because the foot and handprints are all over the floor. We were a little sad because Jenniffer Aniston was just the they before and we didn't got to see her in person. Finally, we went for some more souvenirs and dance a little following the street's sound while waiting for the bus to ride us back to APU. At the end, I was so tired I didn't realise how much fun we've enjoyed this day, with all that famous people and the great time we've had.
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