Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 1 at SUPP. Saturday 1st July

This has been a very long day, but it just passed by like flying for all the activity that we've had. I've just arrived and many people pointed out that my english was so fluid. I don't agree with them but I'm glad they say so. The day started with a relaxed breakfast. I had oatmeal. I had never eaten oatmeal before! I had one which comes in a brown little bag with a green drawing, and smells like apples and cinammon. Is so creamy. Judging from the movies, I though I was not going to like it. But turns out I love it! After that, que had some orientation about the Summer University Preparation Program (SUPP) from the interns: Jeffrey, Ethan, Devon, Adrienne, Mary, Wendi and Breeann, who are really helpful, loving, and caring. Later, they talked about our new keys, loundry cards, which we don't have in Argentina and our shedule for the month, full of activities and cool field trips, among other important details. I am not quite adapted to the difference of hours between Argentina and the United States although is not much. Also I'm not use to the hour that they have dinner here yet because I usually have it at 10 pm. I am also a little harmed for my very bad sleep in the plane yesterday and I'm not very preocupied of being hungry. Although, the food here it's really different from food at home, so I got to try a few new things other than flavored oatmeal like bagels, macaroni and cheese and tai food. What is also really different from my country, are the prices. Here in north America things are much more cheaper. Also you can see lots of huge buildings for shopping. All rooms at the university are huge too. I've never seen such a huge cafeteria before. So were the classrooms, which were so neat. There we took our first three tests about speaking, writing and listening & reading comprehension. In the afternoon, we also met our new room-mates from Taiwan. We looked for our rooms and chat a little bit to get to know each other before sharing something as intimate as a bedroom is. I am sure I will get to know them better and become good friends that will last long time. We had some games to get to know each other and help remembering our names. That makes ir easier to interact for the first times. To make the long story short, I've had a great time and it's only the first day!

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