Monday, July 18, 2011

My partner in class

 Although we go to the same school, I did not know my partner until I came here to the US and had to work with her as a team. Araceli Condori and I are class partners in our presentation Topic about liberty of expression, in Azusa Pacific University.  It is an interesting topic which of we selected two parts to talk about and later present to the class individually. We all have already made an individual powerpoint presentation for the rest of our class talking about ouselves, to know each one of us and get to know about each other individually and as a group. She is short, brunette, with big black eyes shaped like almonds. She is very honest with people, very helpful and careful. She is nice to create a comfortable enviroment. I found out  during this time, that she is a little shy when she must do a public presentation, andabout her family and her dog and how much she loves them, she talked about what she thinks is important in life and her fright of spiders. All things that I couldn't have found out for myself like her fears or her goals in life. It is interesting how being in the same country, we have so different views of some things, and different traditions each family. Anyway, we have been going to school here in Azusa for about two weeks, sitting next to each other and everyday we learn a little from one another. We've learned to talk to each other in english even when it makes us laugh because our native language is spanish. I remember one time we could not talk because we were laughing so much! I think that when you know a person better, is easier to work with him or her. Because you create a bound that crosses a little bit through the shyness and makes the people feel more comfortable in the precense of other people. Makes people feel that they can share themselves with the group, share ideas and feelings that aim to the success in their work.

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